Monday, September 12, 2016

Painting Screamers of Tzeentch

I followed up another old project of mine. You may recognize these guys from several of my battlereports.

Prime and basecoat

I primed these guys in white, then applied a blue basecoat without much care. The interesting fact here is that I watered down and mixed my blues, producing a rather unique blend of unreproducible shades.

Wait for a year or two (optional)

Paint the horns

I applied several coats of bonewhite until I managed to cover up the slashes of blue across all the horns (claws? bones?). I highlighted the large mandibles with a white drybrush, then applied tiny bits of white to the smallers horns for extra highlights.

Paint the eyes

With so much blue, I decided to go for orange eyes for contrast. 
Basecoat in white first, for good coverage.

Apply orange.

Apply black strips for cat-like eyes. Bonus points if they don't all look in the same direction.

Paint the tongue

For more contrast, I went with a red tongue, highlighted with pink.

Highlight the blues

While noticeable from up close, the blue shades that I had once applied are barely visible from a distance. So I decided to do some highlighting work. I applied patches of dark blue is seemingly random places (to cover up any spot where the white primer shines through the basecoat) and also on the raised spots on one of the screamers. 
I mixed my blue with white, and applied a light blue edge highlight on the fins.

Work on the bases

I always begin by basecoating the base. This way I make sure that if I miss any spots with the flocking, I won't have the black (in this case, transparent) base shining through.

These guys are bright, but lack the myriad colors that my other daemons possess. So I decided to spice up their bases with some colored rocks.

I had some mixed sand ready from when I painted the Pink Horrors.

Apply a thick coat of PVA glue, then sprinkle on the sand. The mixed sand had the advantage of looking more natural then the Horrors' bases where I artificially mixed it in layers, but the disadvantage of the larger red grains not sticking on. So I applied more PVA glue and manually put on more of the red grains.

Make sure to seal the bases, otherwise the sand will fall off.


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