Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Painting Nurglings

This squad of Nurglings is a veteran of many battle reports - time to do them justice.

Painting the bodies

Prime in white - as I always do.

These little things are insanely jovial, and I thought of giving them an appropriately colored appearance. There are several colors I used for their skintones: blood red, brown, ochre, skintone, dead flesh, rock grey. Just make sure that there are no two of the same color next to each other.

For a more uniform look, I covered the bodies in green wash. This keeps the skin basetones, but they no longer look very different.

Note that I later decided to also do some edge highlighting on the skin. This was after I've finished all the other details, when I noticed that the skin tones do not have enough contrast. The technique is the same as applied for the Plaguebearers; just use the base color for each Nurgling.

Painting the details

Basecoat the entrails bonewhite.

Paint the eyes red, except on the red-skinned Nurglings, who get glowing green eyes.

Apply black wash to the eyes and mouths. This brings out the teeth and other small details.

Wash the entrails in dark red for that gory look.

Paint the tongues violet.

Highlight the tongues and the entrails with pink. The effect is very different on violet and red base.

Don't forget about the pustules and wounds on their backs! Wash them with dark red (same as for the entrails), then highlight the pustules with yellow.


As always, fill out the bases with home made putty:

Then paint it in a basecoat. I painted it dark brown:

But then I noticed that the paint didn't get in a lot of cracks:

So I gave the base a generous black wash to cover up any such mishaps. It also made the dark brown even darker, which is an excellent color for soil - I'll be reusing this in the future!

I also applied some flocking, same as for the Plaguebearers, not shown here.


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